17 Mei 2006

New Forex Lenses


Hi Forex Nation!!

On my last posting I mentioned that I was working on setting up a series of Lenses.

What is a Lens?

Well, I have recently come across the concept of a Lens provided by Squidoo. The idea behind it is great as it is like a one stop shop for something that you are passionate about (Forex!!) giving useful information and links. Some examples of a lens could include:

  • Your hobby

  • Your business / industry

  • Favorite celebrity

  • Favorite recipes

  • I am a huge Sopranos fan and there was even a Lens dedicated to the show!
    Back to business…

    The list really is endless, you talk about what you want to and it is opportunity to educate people! And you know I am all about education! Well I have created two Forex related Lenses. The links are provided below (just clock on the icons) and on the sidebar of this blog. I also have two icons on the side bar and they are linked to the two different FX Lenses.

    Check out my lens Forex Journey – The Lens

    Check out my lens Success in FX

    You can help my ranking by visiting my Lenses and giving them a 5-star ranking!! You have to register, but it is FREE! (Thanks in advance!!)

    Keep this in your back pocket, because soon you will be hearing about this concept all over the Internet!!

    Happy Trading!


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