26 Feb 2009
25 Feb 2009
24 Feb 2009
23 Feb 2009
19 Feb 2009
14 Feb 2009
Part 2 of Elliott Wave International’s expansive NEW Deflation Survival eBook is online now. The free 60-page eBook is packed with Robert Prechter's most important teachings and warnings about deflation. This is one of the most valuable resources EWI has ever offered at no cost. Learn more below or download it now – for free.
We contacted you earlier this week to tell you about an exciting, free 60-page eBook our friends at Elliott Wave International have just put together.
The new eBook is compiled from Bob Prechter’s most important teachings and warnings about deflation.
Much like Prechter’s wildly popular Independent Investor eBook, this new Deflation Survival eBook will transform the way you think – about inflation and deflation.
Most financial experts were caught completely of guard by the real estate top in 2005. Many thought the Dow Industrials index would sour well beyond its 14,000 peak. Others saw weakness in U.S. stocks but said the dollar would also crash and hyperinflation would immediately ensue.
Only ONE analyst, that we know of, made the following forecasts:
- Real estate, stocks and commodities would all top.
- A monumental credit crisis would reduce lending and borrowing around the world.
- The dollar would rally.
- Deflation would reign across almost all asset classes.
That analyst’s name is Robert Prechter.
Prechter – a man who’s made the arduous journey from fame to outcast and back – has scoured his complete writings on deflation and compiled the most important into a special 60-page Deflation Survival eBook.
Until today, most of the forecasts and advice in this still-prescient eBook have been released only to Prechter’s faithful subscribers. Now the 60-page Deflation Survival eBook can be yours for free.
Learn more about this unique opportunity by following the link below.
10 Feb 2009
3 Feb 2009
2 Feb 2009
- Single loss is not your fault. Its not even the markets fault. And its not your systems fault. Its just a loss. No trader or system can guarantee 100% winning rate. So, losses should happen. If you lose then your system works. It may even lose again, but that wont change the full picture. Trading doesnt work with a single loss or win; it works with the loss rate and risk-to-reward ratios. So, next time you lose, remember that there is no one to blame, because there is no guilt in losing.
- If the losses prevail over the winning positions then check your risk-to-reward ratio first. If each of your losses is less than a third of your single winning position then maybe your system is intended to work with 65% of your positions in the red zone? If your risk-to-reward ratio doesnt compensate your poor loss-to-win ratio, you still dont have to blame yourself, the market or your system. Probably, its just the wrong system for the market you are trading in. Time changes and the old systems stop working, while the new ones are created. Just switch to something else and continue your pursuit of success.
- Single winning position is not an indicator of your success. The same as with the losses dont treat a single win as your accomplishment. Its just a part of the routine process of trading Forex.
- If your winning rate is high during the long period of time and the risk-to-reward ratio is rather low then I can congratulate you with finding the right strategy that worked fine for the kind of market you were trading on during that period. Thats it! Stick with it until your winning rate declines below the satisfying level. Then look at the number 2.